


2015 台灣精選 TAIWAN


探險人物講座:Jon Otto

此講座將由長住大陸的美國籍登山家Jon Otto來分享兩個重要的登山經驗。首先Jon會先談論四川的四姑娘自然保護區,此地正以自身資源來支持登山與攀岩活動。目前是大陸第一個以「攀登公園」概念來規劃的保護區。再者,Jon會介紹大陸攀岩及雪地攀登社群的現況、未來將會如何發展,以及他所帶領的領攀登山學校,如何鼓勵獨立登山家的實際做法。


逐光 Norrsken—與父同行的極光單車之旅

洪川 導演|15 min




蛙大 導演|10 min 三個男人、三十五天、一萬三千公里。每天瘋狂、搞笑、趕路、崩潰,有跨國的友情也有男人的義氣、有經歷困苦的環境也有享受奢華的宴席,一路充滿著未知與驚喜。期待看完此片的你,走出舒適圈,認真過人生,讓自己走向世界,也讓世界認識台灣與自己,這就是台灣味的精神與意義。





參與: 康明哲,許景儒,顏佑萍(曼曼),高聰林(Tony)



4 men team lead by Kant, Taiwan most experienced Yosemite climber. Plan to experience and climb the big wall in 3 weeks time.

Yosemite is the root of big wall climb in north America. The granti slab and crack style climb is not familar for most of Asia climber. The main goal of this trip is aid climb the big wall. Climbers will not only focus on the difficulty of a route. In Yosemite vally, daiy life at camp ground, eating, sleeping and resting need to planed and take cared.

Romain Guélat導演



2015 班夫影展 Banff Mountain Film Festival 【A場】


迦勒 Caleb

Blair Trotman製片|4 min|紐西蘭 New Zealand|2014|殘障者激流舟


Paralyzed in a skiing accident in 2007, Caleb has defied the odds and continued to thrive in his chosen passions. Learning to kayak after his injury, Caleb is positive, inspiring and one epic human!


打死不退 Undead

Fabian Kluhs製片|8 min|奧地利 Austria|2014|三輪滑雪板車


Two energetic young athletes re-invigorate the sport of SMX, a combination of mountain biking and snowboarding.


時間的雕刻:智者 Sculpted in Time: The Wise Man

Dave Mossop, Malcolm Sangster, Sherpas Cinema製片|5 min|加拿大 Canada|2014|滑雪、自傳


Eddie Hunter is 88 years old and has skied over 2,500 days during the past 79 years. Follow him as he continues to shred on the home town mountain he just can’t seem to get enough of.


水庫國家 DamNation

Ben Knight, Travis Rummel, Matt Stoecker製片|52 min|美國 USA|2014|環境


DamNation explores the economic, environmental and cultural value of a river and goes behind the myths surrounding hydro energy, highlighting what can happen when low value, high cost dams come down.


優勝美地山谷—攀岩大師 Valley Uprising – The Stonemasters   (Grand Prize Award  影展大奬)

Peter Mortimer, Nick Rosen, Josh Lowell, Zachary Barr製片 31 min|美國 USA|2014|優勝美地攀岩史


The legendary “Stonemasters” ushered in a raucous new era of climbing in Yosemite’s climbing revolution, marked by drugs, partying, battles with park authorities and some of the world’s hardest climbing.


無法滑越 The Unrideables

Derek Westerlund, Steve Reska製片|18 min|美國 USA|2014|快速滑雪、飛行傘


Glorious cinematographic eye candy! Expert speed flyers test their limits in a massive, volatile landscape of ice and snow.

2015 英國肯多 Kendal Mountain Film Festival


風馳電速的長者 Old, Gray and Fast

Carrie Hill導演|12 min

本片是關於一位住在Devon的前職業腳踏車手Colin Lewis的故事。他曾榮獲二次全國公路車賽冠軍,也是參加奧運會的選手,現年71歲的Colin仍然四處比賽。從馬鈴薯價錢及烘焙餅乾,到用藥及環法賽的起跑點,本片融合了過往與現在的影像紀錄,提供我們一個關於比賽人生以及退休生活的視窗,來見證這位具有創造力以及強大決心的長者。 A short documentary about Devon based ex-professional cyclist, Colin Lewis. Twice National Road Race Champion and Olympian, at the age of 71 Colin still rides competitively. From the price of potatoes and baking cakes to drug taking and the Tour de France start line, the film uses archive and current footage to offer a glimpse of the racing career and retirement of this creative and determined character.


夢境路線 Dreamline

Bjarne Sahlen導演|59 min

本片是一部關於夢境的神奇力量的紀錄片。是關於職業滑雪者Ptor Spricenieks身為滑雪者與探險者的生命經驗,踏上他令人驚奇的精神與身體之旅,展示人們夢想真能實現。本片圍繞在最近一次、集合了世界上最厲害的一些巨峰滑雪者,共同攀登及滑降位於巴基斯坦Gashot山,在艱鉅環境中的重要的遠征。這次的攀降,在Ptor美好的生命中,是趟重要的里程碑之行,因為這當中體能成就與精神巧合只能用夢境的力量來解釋。 DreamLine is a documentary about the magical power of dreams. It tells the story of professional skier Ptor Spricenieks’ life as a skier and adventurer, follows an astonishing spiritual and physical journey, and shows that dreams can come true. The film revolves around a recent expedition to Pakistan where some of the world’s best big-mountain skiers together climb and ski Gashot, a magnificent adventure in a mind-blowing environment. It is an important milestone in the fascinating life of Ptor, which contains elements of physical achievements and spiritual coincidences that can only be explained by the power of dreaming.


走路帶我去的地方Where Walking Took Me  (Best Short Film  最佳短片)

Jen Randall導演|3 min

製片Jen Randall回憶她第一次走進野外,以及此後走路帶她到達的那些地方。 Filmmaker Jen Randall recalls her first steps into the wilderness, and where walking has taken her as a result.


飛行傘的聲音 Sounds of Paragliding

SHAMS導演|4 min

Blic歡迎你進入一種獨特的經驗:聽見飛行傘的聲音。當這位年輕人,如特技表演般的飛行技術搭配獨有的節奏之外,也能聆聽到大自然的和諧聲韻。 Theo do Blic welcomes you to a unique experience: The Sounds of Paragliding. Listen to nature’s harmony while this young pilot rhythms the melody with acrobatic paragliding.


大步向前 The Forge

Nadir Khan導演|7 min

此片展示了在蘇格蘭極西北邊野外地區的步道上,越野跑的美麗與獨特經驗。 A film showing the beauty and drama of trail and wilderness running in the far northwest of Scotland. On An Teallach(The Forge)


稜線 The Ridge

Stu Thompson導演|7 min

此片是DannyMacaskill的最新力作。在他眾多的影片中,這是第一次回到他蘇格蘭天空島的老家,騎乘登山車沿著惡名昭彰的庫林稜線上搏命演出。 The Ridge is the brand new film from Danny Macaskill… For the first time in one of his films Danny climbs aboard a mountain bike and returns to his native home of the Isle of Skye in Scotland to take on a death-defying ride along the notorious Cuillin Ridgeline.


他方 Somewhere Else

Tom German導演|6 min

此片是圍繞著JohnEldridge對生活觀察的影片。John以客製化修改機車與衝浪板維生,並且跟太太一起經營一家咖啡店。這樣的次文化能在英國出現,是值得慶賀的一件事。John在本片中,描述了成立自有品牌CMBL背後的想法,以及一路走來的體悟。 Somewhere Else is an observational portrait that centers around John Eldridge. Exploring the cross over of Surfing and Motorbike customisation, It is the celebration of subcultures that are alive within England. The film looks into the motivations behind his brand CMBL and what being based here in the UK can mean when starting out on the journey of building a UK based surf related brand.

熱氣球之間的走繩 The Balloon Highline
Seb Montaz-Rosset導演|4分鐘
You won't get much closer to Skylining than this! We left winter behind and headed to the sun to try and turn our latest dream into reality. With our friends from Globus Kon Tiki, we put up a line between 2 hot air balloons to try our first completely movable highline. All of the Skyliners team was excited to put their skills to the test on such an amazing line...
超級蜜月旅行 Mega Moon
Hannah Maia導演|20 min
It's 40°C heat and Hannah's on her bike pulling a heavy trailer. Considering she's from a small island where it rains a lot she's a little out of her comfort zone. Hannah's on her honeymoon, or 'Megamoon' as she likes to call it. It's a road trip of sorts but ultimately a journey by bike where love and adventure come together. She's been longing for that big dose of wilderness, the remoteness, the not knowing, the desert, the mountains, the cowboys and the small town karaoke bars. So, join them as they begin in New Mexico and start to pedal what they hope will be some 2,500 miles along the Great Divide to Banff in Alberta.

2015 班夫影展 Banff Mountain Film Festival 【B場】


寒浪 Arctic Swell

Anton Lorimer, Chris Burkard製片|8 min|美國 USA|2014|極地衝浪


Surfing photographer Chris Burkard loves capturing cold water surfers. He’s prepared to venture to the ends of the earth to snap that once in a lifetime shot.


一直跑下去 Just Keep Running

Aaron Smart製片|10 min|紐西蘭 New Zealand|2014|自傳、野跑


Ruby Muir is one of the world’s most promising young trail runners. Ruby shares her journey of love and loss and the inner struggles which have helped shape her into the running sensation she is today.


狂熱女子 Wild Women

Wojtek Kozakiewicz, Polished Project製片|3 min|英國 UK|2014|

走繩 伴隨著愉悅與歡笑,專業走繩者FaithDickey在短片中向我們展示了在繩子上的生活是多麼有趣的一件事。

Smile and laugh along with slack-liner Faith Dickey as she shows us just how fun life on the line can be.


往四方攀登 Drawn

Jeremy Collins, James Q Martin製片|40 min|美國 USA|2014|

親子、故事 著名的攀岩藝術家JeremyCollins花了四年的時間踏上四個大旅程,東西南北四個壯闊的探險之旅,從委內瑞拉亞馬遜,到中國蒙古的邊界,北至加拿大,最後回到家鄉的優勝美地山谷。

Four years, four cardinal points, four epic adventures — acclaimed climbing artist Jeremy Collins embarks on four journeys, from the Venezuelan Amazon, to the China-Mongolian Border, to the northern reaches of Canada, and closer to home in the Yosemite Valley.


Cerro Torre   (Best Climbing Film 最佳攀登影片)

Philipp Manderla, Thomas Dirnhofer製片|53 min|奧地利 Austria|2013|自傳、技術攀登


Storms are expected in Patagonia, but the drama that ensued during the big-budget filming of David Lama’s quest to free climb the infamous mountain brought a new level of controversy. Challenge, scandal, adventure, and transformation on a mountain often said to be the most difficult in the world.


觸地 Touch

Jean-Baptiste Chandelier製片|5 min|法國 France|2014|特技飛行傘


Touch is a colorful and spectacular flying tour of Santorini in Greece, the Aiguille du Midi above Chamonix and the Col du Galibier in France, with a bit of cheekiness added in, just for fun.

開始售票時間:11/28 (六) 

【台北】 12/26 新光影城(台北市西寧南路36號4樓 02-23146668)
傑克大山     台北市羅斯福路三段284巷7號|電話 02-23651501

(1) 現場場劃位訊息:每人限劃7套票。
(2) 2015米亞桑山岳影展開放教師研習時數:


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